måndag 11 november 2013

With love, from Nantes

 Finally here are the pictures from my days in Nantes. A few beautiful days with Marion, new friends, wine and long walks through the city.

 I went to see the city garden one day when Marion had to go to the university. Of course I couldn't resist to join the kids and pet the goats. One of them ate a piece of my map, and the rest of the week I tryed to figure out what was missing in life. Not much, not much.

 The cathedral.

 One afternoon we went to have a drink in the tower, with a view of Nantes. I drank punch and we talked about the past and pending.

Another day we took the ferry to an island to visit an old fishing village. It was like a dream come true.

 Of course we found a cat friend.

 In the afternoon we went to see the carousel. Children were navigating boats through stormy seas and moving in cyclic variations. Their parents where taking photographs. We tried the big one.

And we walked around all morning, sharing our little talks. And you're not only somebody that I used to know.

  Wednesday night we were having a party in the appartment and we made crêpes for about fifteen people. I'm quite an expert at flipping panncakes by now.

 Where I ate my first galette.

 The very last day we spent in the park. Vi kommer alla att hitta någon att älska varandra med.

Merci beaucoup Nantes, et ma chère Marion. À plus tard.