tisdag 4 mars 2014

When days are the same, but we try to change our steps

 So, since all we seem to be doing this days are spending time on campus, studying for our mid-terms, I though I'd give you a tour. I'd like to call this piece 'Diana walkes around Campus' since she is my most faithful photo object.

So, first of all here is my hostel called Chan Chun Ha Hostel.

 We have an awsome terrasse whit a great view. Unfortainly my room is on this side of the building, so I can't see it.

 My elevator, because there are just so many elevators on this campus...

 And always something fun going on.

 Here we have Diana's building; Bethlehem Hall.

 At the entrance to our 'college' there is a waterfall.

 This is one of many great shortcuts we got to know.

I just never get tired of this view.

 On our way to class we usually pass by I-center which is one the administrative areas. There is a crazy lot of stairs, if you're lazy there is escalators though.

 The pond, I've only been down there once.

 A part of Chung Chi College, where most of our classes are.

 Sino building is also part of Chung Chi, and here we have our 'Christianity and Islam in the Global Order' class and alse the one about 'New Security Challenges'.

 Diana and our class mate Yuki, in one of our (less nice) class rooms.

 This is the CC canteen where it's always busy. At campus I usually eat in one of the canteens which is like a mix between a cheap restaurant and a school dining hall.

 The afternoons are usually spend at central campus in this library.

 The engineering building 'William M. W. Wong', also a shortcut.

 Since our campus is located on kind of a mountain, there are many stairs. This part is very nice since there is a lot of vegetation.

Here is the view from Esther Lee building and it shows some of the cenral parts of campus too. The yellow thing is another elevator where we usually pass most days (the shortcut from the beginning of the post).

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