tisdag 6 maj 2014

We found you Sai Wan

 Last Friday Diana and I took a break from our exam papers and headed over to Hong Kong Island to visit the neighborhood called Sai Wan which I had been recommended by my roommates brother. We started in Causeway Bay and took the tram through Central to enjoy the day.
I left my camera at home so the pictures are all from Diana, edited by me.

 These trams are probably one of the best ways to get an overview of the central parts of Hong Kong Island, and the ride is always a pleasure.

 Both Diana and I are in love with these roof top gardens. I just keep wondering what they look like close up, if it is possible to enjoy your time while beeing there and if they are open for use for the whole building or only the top floor.

 We stoped in the end of the line, we took the fact that everybody else was getting of as a sign.

 I soon realized that the area was huge and maybe it would be a bit harder than expected to find the 'old authentic parts of Hong Kong' that I had been told about. But we decided to just walk around and enjoy what we could find.

 Among other things we saw the fest around this scary pig.

 These complexes are just so typically Hong Kong, with the limites space this is the way to build.

 We found some interesting stairs that we decided to claim.

 The area was quite amazing with lots of different stairs, a lot of plants and trees and cool looking buildings. We also noticed that there was quite a lot of expats (expatriate is a person temporarily or permanently residing in a country other than that of the person's upbringing) in this area, something we had heard from other exchange students. We guessed that this is one of the more populair areas to live if you want to be close to central but still have a somewhat affordable rent, even though all rents in Hong Kong are insane.

 We also found this cool looking temple, with a garden where people were meditating.

 I went a little bit crazy about all the nice yards full of potts and we imagined that this might be a nice place to retire to.

 These kind of stores always makes me want to buy a lot of pottery, that I would never use. Somehow it just feels like I want to support the local traditional businesses.

The night ended at Mid-levels in Central with nice wine and Italian pizza. It was one of the nicest afternoons in a while and reminded me of why I love Hong Kong.

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