lördag 19 april 2014

Towards Tai Mei Tuk

 Yesterday Diana and I went on a bike ride from Tai Po to Tai Mei Tuk together with some of our classmates. This is part of Tai Po River.

 First we had to walk around for a bit to find some bikes to hire, the place where we were supposed to go were sold out since it was a public holiday and a very nice day for biking.

 What I thought was a protest turned out to be the opening of a very poplar tea house.

 Bowie on her bike. Bowie lives in Tai Po and was our guide for the day, she did a very good job.

 Walking through Tai Po.

 We stoped at Tai Po Waterfront Park to go to the look out and get a glimpse of our university.

 These threes are very special Bowie told us. I dont rememember why, but they are nice anyway.

 The park was full of people, having picnics and flying kites.

 In the back to the left we could see the water tower of our university, and the 'big white ball' of United College where Diana and I live.

 You can also hire a family bike.

 We later noticed this was quite common.

 Here is Tai Mei Tuk, where they have divided the sweet water the salt water into what is called the main dam of Plover Clove Reservoirand and it is popular to cycle across it. Tai Mei Tuk means "the very end" in Cantonese which apparently depicts the landscape. 

 The whole gruop; Diana, me, Chris, Bowie and Javier.

 Also here, kite running seemed to be a very popular activity.

 And there were a lot of bikers.

 We took a rest, quite tired after the ride.

 Then we watched the sunset.

 Biking back in the dark was very nice, and it was much less crowded so the ride was much more smooth. We headed back to Tai Po for some dinner.

 We stopped by a local market and bought some fruit called Durian. 

After a delicious dinner with some more class mates of ours we tried the Darian fruit which is a malaysian fruit that smells very strange. I did not like the taste of it and we actually left most of it and went for a walk insted. It was a great afternoon and evening!

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