söndag 14 oktober 2012

För du gungar i mitt öra

 I torsdags firade vi internationella flickodagen med att gå på Plangruppens fotoutställning (där jag även ställde ut bilder från Rumänien som jag själv och andra volontärer tagit). This Thursday we celebrated the International Girl's Day with a visit to a photo exhibition made by Plangruppen. I had also contributed with some pictures from Romania, taken by myself and my volunteer collegues.

 Emmy och jag drog sedan vidare till The Dubliner medan vi väntade på att Diana och Mimmi som var med och arrangerade skulle packa ihop. Det visade sig dock vara ett riktigt gubbhak och när Diana sa att hon glömt sitt legg drog vi glatt vidare. / Emmy and I went to the Dubliner while we waited for Diana and Mimmi to finish cleaning up after the event. After being flirted with by two old Norweigan guys, we left to another place...
 Vi hamnade på ett mysigt café istället, där vi satt tills det stängde och pratade om gamla mattor, drack varm choklad samt planerade morgondagens utflykt. / We went to a nice café instead, where we talked about old carpets, drank hot chocholate and planned the next day's trip.

'Cause I try to Wrestle with the restlessness.

1 kommentar:

  1. You are definitively brunette! You are really beautiful. You know, with all of your pictures you send me dream! I want to see all of these places, it's so cooool: the forest, the second hand shop, the chocolate, the photography exhibition...Ahhhh I'm sure that you will have good time here!
    P.S: Since we were in Romania, my google is in swedish, so I don't know what means Forhandgranska but I know that "kommentar" is "commentaire" in french!
