tisdag 28 januari 2014

Lion rock

 Yesterday we went on a four hours hike up to Lion Rock. It was quite challenging but very very nice.

 The whole group.

 Tuure and the nice view, almost at the rock.

 There were three tops so after climing more than 400 steps to get to the first of them we realized we had to more to go. We made it though and it feelt really good to have a rest with a view of all of Hong Kong.

The sathurday in Soho and on the way to the Flower Market

This sathurday I met up with Lena at ten o'clock to go to an art expedition in Admiralty. There it was a bit more fancy than the part of town that we are used to.
 After a very nice visit we moved on towards SoHo, a multicultural and very chic part of Central, with historic and narrow streets peppered with upmarket bars and tasty restaurant.  

A lot of interesting stores and very expensive second hands.

 We ate a very over prised burito for lunch, but mmm it was good.


We walked around in the area and I had some more flash backs from last time I was in Hong Kong. I am pretty sure Martin brought us here to eat congee in some little street restaurant three years ago. This is definetly one of my favorite parts of the city too.

 Around three I went to Kowloon Tong to meet up with Diana and our classmate Gigi that wanted to show us around in the city. We began at Temple Street and visited a traidtional temple. This temple was built for the goddess of the sea, and since the shoreline used to be in a different place than it is now it is actually located just behind Nathan Road.

 The funny thing is that Diana and I sat in the park behind this temple to rest our feet just a few weeks ago but had no idea of what was hiding on the other side. It was nice to go there with a local though, and Gigi was the perfect guide telling us a lot about the history.

 In a few days it's time for Chinese New Year and this is celebrated all over town. Next year will be that of the horse and Diana who is born in this sign was not to pleased to hear that this actually means bad luck. The only thing you can do is to go to the temple and pray to the gods.

 After dinner and a taste of some chinese herb tea (tasted like licorice but very bitter) we went to the famous Flower Market which is held each year before new year's. Here it was crowded and all you could do was to follow the stream.

 There were so many beautiful flowers and also many other things.

Diana and Gigi.

 Gigi bought us some typical sweets and then we went home early. It had been a nice but long day with a lot of walking and in the morning we had planned a hike.

tisdag 21 januari 2014

Fanling and Shatin

 I lördags var vi lagom trötta efter att ha varit ute till sex på morgonen kvällen innan. Vi hade tillbringat fredagkvällen på indisk restaurang och sedan i en bar i Tsim sha tsui, en klubb i Lan Kwai Fong och sedan en annan klubb i Wan chai. Fullt upp helt enkelt.
Vi bestämde oss för att åka till ändstationen och hamnade vid gränsen, så det var bara att vända om igen.  /
Last Saturday, we were jpretty tired after having been out until six in the morning the night before. We had spent Friday night at an Indian restaurant and then in a bar in Tsim sha tsui, a club in Lan Kwai Fong and then another club in Wan Chai. Such a great night.
We decided to go to the last stop of the blue metro line and ended up at the border, so the only thing we could do was to turn back again.

 Det var fint utomhus. / It was pretty outside. 

 Vi åkte till en plats som hette Fanling och vandrade omkring. / We went to a place called Fanling and just walked around. 

 Jag kan aldrig sluta att fascineras över dessa byggnadsställningar gjorda av bambu. / I am still so amazed by the chinese scaffolds made from bambu.

 Vi köpte vad vi trodde var en söt bulle, men som visade sig innehålla tonfisk. Inte helt fel, men konstigt. / We bought what we thought was a sweet bun but it turned out to have tuna inside. Not so bad but quite a suprize.

 Diana köpte kort att skicka till London. Dessa är egentligen till för det kinesiska nyåret, då man skall ge bort dem med pengar i för att önska någon lycka. / Diana bought some cards to send to London. These are actually ment for Chinese New Year, when you are supposed to give them away with money inside to wish someone good luck.

 Vi hittade en lokal marknad där vi kunde köpa lite förnödigheter. / We found a local market where we could by some useful stuff for a very cheap price.

 En restaurang gömd för de flesta. / A restaurant well hidden for most people.

 På söndagen begav jag mig tillsammans med tyska Lena och hennes lokala vän Hugo för att besöka en kyrka i Shatin. Efteråt begav vi oss till en för turister väl gömd restaurang där vi åt god mat på rund bord och jag fick ännu en kurs i hur man egentligen äter med pinnar. / On Sunday, I went along with a german girl named Lena and her local friend Hugo to visit a church in Shatin. Afterwards we went to a well-hidden restaurant where we ate tasty food and I got another course on how to actually eat with chopsticks.

Wandering the streets of Mong Kok

 Förra helgen begav Diana och jag oss iväg för att upptäcka lite mer av staden, för första gången på egen hand. Vi åkte till Mong Kok och vandrade längst Nathan Road och till Kowloon Park bland annat. / Last week-end Diana and I went to discover some more of the city, first time on our own. We went to Mong Kok and walked along Nathan Road and to Kowloon Park among other places.

 Det är svårt att sluta fota alla byggnader och skyltar, Mong Kok är en plats så olik hemma. / It's hard not to stop in every corner and photograph every sign and every building, Mong Kok is so different from home.

 Vi funderade lite över hur bra det skulle kännas att hänga ut sin tvätt över de vältrafikerade gatorna, men förstår att det är svårt att göra annat i en stad som denna. / We thought about how good it really is to hang your laundry above the crowded streets, but understand that it's hard to do otherwise in a city like this. 

 Vi tog en liten paus i en liten park. / We took a short break in a park, full of old men reading news papers and playing chess.

 Förundrades över alla djur i bur. / Stopped to look at the big crabs.

Passerade genom Kowloon Park och hittade en gata där magin var nära, träden sträckte sig över himlen och ljuset låg lågt. / We passed through Kowloon Park and found a street which felt kind of magic. The big trees reaching for the sky, the light bright but clouded.

Vi letade en sushirestaurang men hittade för mycket annat spännande, tog tunnelbanan hem i tid till något jag förträngt nu. / We searched for a sushi restaurant but found to many other interesting things. Then we took the metro home in time for some reason I now have forgotten.