tisdag 28 januari 2014

The sathurday in Soho and on the way to the Flower Market

This sathurday I met up with Lena at ten o'clock to go to an art expedition in Admiralty. There it was a bit more fancy than the part of town that we are used to.
 After a very nice visit we moved on towards SoHo, a multicultural and very chic part of Central, with historic and narrow streets peppered with upmarket bars and tasty restaurant.  

A lot of interesting stores and very expensive second hands.

 We ate a very over prised burito for lunch, but mmm it was good.


We walked around in the area and I had some more flash backs from last time I was in Hong Kong. I am pretty sure Martin brought us here to eat congee in some little street restaurant three years ago. This is definetly one of my favorite parts of the city too.

 Around three I went to Kowloon Tong to meet up with Diana and our classmate Gigi that wanted to show us around in the city. We began at Temple Street and visited a traidtional temple. This temple was built for the goddess of the sea, and since the shoreline used to be in a different place than it is now it is actually located just behind Nathan Road.

 The funny thing is that Diana and I sat in the park behind this temple to rest our feet just a few weeks ago but had no idea of what was hiding on the other side. It was nice to go there with a local though, and Gigi was the perfect guide telling us a lot about the history.

 In a few days it's time for Chinese New Year and this is celebrated all over town. Next year will be that of the horse and Diana who is born in this sign was not to pleased to hear that this actually means bad luck. The only thing you can do is to go to the temple and pray to the gods.

 After dinner and a taste of some chinese herb tea (tasted like licorice but very bitter) we went to the famous Flower Market which is held each year before new year's. Here it was crowded and all you could do was to follow the stream.

 There were so many beautiful flowers and also many other things.

Diana and Gigi.

 Gigi bought us some typical sweets and then we went home early. It had been a nice but long day with a lot of walking and in the morning we had planned a hike.

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